Charles Batifolier
D Brunet
N Haas
[Alfred?] Perrenoud
J Rambal
Georges Reymond
Oscar Sjogren
Wehrli Freres
58733 - World's Record Chronometer
Chronometer Competitions at the Geneva Observatory
1879 1880 1881 1882 1883 589 entries 1884 1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 479 entries |
1880-1890 1890 1891 1892 1893 499 entries 1894 494 entries 1895 396 entries 1896 484 entries 1897 578 entries 1898 474 entries 1899 633 entries |
1900 528 entries 1901 306 entries 1902 - 2 - 3 359 entries 1903 - 2 266 entries 1904 - 2 1905 1906 1907 1908 1909 |
1910 1913 1914 1915 1917 106 entries 1925 1926 1927 |
Haas results at the Observatory by year1879 - 16665, 16668 |
Results by points
878.8 - 58733
859.8 - 58733
802 - 58732
788 - 58499
770 - 58498
757 - 57519
738 - 58733
730 - 58731
700 - 58497
674 - 1912
656 - 57520
655 - 57518
273.7 - 58733
256.5 - 58732
254.2 - 58499
246.5 - 58733
246.0 - 57519
245.4 - 58498
243.8 - 31805
239.7 - 58731
236.1 - 58497
232.5 - 26725
228.3 - 1912
225.1 - 57520
224.9 - 57518
223.0 - 21702
222.1 - 24201
216.9 - 26649
215.4 - 31806
213.1 - 24200
212.2 - 26724
211.8 - 18218 21748
210.1 - 21708
210.0 - 31807
209.7 - 31797
209.0 - 25050 26765
205.4 - 26651
204.8 - 26650
204.5 - 26726
203.2 - 31810
202.6 - 19029
199.6 - 26764
197.3 - 25049
194.7 - 15736
194.0 - 15631 26766
189.0 - 25051
184.0 - 21747
181.5 - 16333
179.4 - 21108
172.3 - 17370
170.0 - 17369
164.1 - 41233
162.8 - 16665
161.5 - 16668
143 - 15773
142.4 - 21700
Before 1874:
Categories not mentioned, Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Daily variation average = v
Deviation average in the 7 positions = v′
Compensation error per +1 degree = v″
Variation of rate after heat & cold = v′″
Max 300 points = (60-v)*1.66 + (200-v′)*0.5 + (20-v″)*2.5 + (100-v′″)
Categories not mentioned, Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Daily variation average = v
Deviation average in the 7 positions = v′
Compensation error per +1 degree = v″
Max 250 points = (100-v)*1 + (300-v′)*.333 + (33-v″)*1.515
Categories not mentioned, Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Method of calculation :
Daily variation average = m
Average position deviation = d
Compensation error per degree = c
m,d,c in hundredths of seconds
Max 300 points = 100-(4/3*m) + 100-(0.4*d) + 100-(5*c)
Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Daily variation average (Marche diurne ou marche journalière, variation d'un garde-temps en 24 heures. Pour les astronomes, un garde-temps qui avance de 1.4 sec en 24h a une marche de -1.4 sec et un garde-temps qui retarde de 1.4 sec par jour a une marche de 1.4. Les chronométriers ont adopté la convention inverse pour les chronomètres. En utilisant la définition des astronomes, on obtient la marche d'un garde-temps en faisant la différence entre sa correction un jour et sa correction le jour précédent.) = m
Average position deviation = d
Compensation error per degree = c
Rate resuming = r
3 classes with a single formula. The difference is in the duration of the tests:
44 days for the tests in the First class.
29 days for the tests in the Second class.
18 days for the tests in the Third class.
The values m,d,c & r expressed in hundredths of seconds
Max 300 points = 100-(4/3*m) + 100-(0.4*d) + 100-(5*c) + 30-(6*r)
Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Daily mean error = m
Mean error by position = p
Compensation error per degree = c
Rate resumption (Defined as the difference in the average daily mean error of two periods observed under identical conditions (same position and temperature)).) = r
3 classes in one formula. The difference relates to the duration of the tests:
44 days for 1st class tests.
29 days for 2nd class tests.
18 days for 3rd class tests.
Values in hundreths of a second
Max 300 points =(0.75-m)*400/3 + (2.5-p)*40 + (0.20-c)*350 + (5.0-r)*6
Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
Daily mean error = m
Mean error by position = p
Compensation error per degree = c
Rate resumption (Defined as the difference in the average daily mean error of two periods observed under identical conditions (same position and temperature)).) = r
2 categories A & B mais une seule formula for the two categories. The category is defined by the diameter of the chronometer.
Category A the diameter is less than 43 millimeters.
Category B the diameter is greater than 43 millimeters.
A new formula is applied, to be able to better distinguish between competitors.
The old formula is still present in the results.
The values m,d,c & r expressed in hundredths of seconds
Old formula :
Max 300 points =(0.75-m)*400/3 + (2.5-p)*40 + (0.20-c)*350 + (5.0-r)*6
New formula :
Max 1000 points =(0.50-m)*600 + (2.0-p)*150 + (0.150-c)*2000 + (2.5-r)*40
Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
S = somme des 40 écarts de marche
S′ = somme des 6 écarts moyens de position
c = erreur de compensation
r = reprise de marche
2 catégories A et B mais une seule formule pour les deux catégories. La catégorie est définie par le diamètre du chronomètre.
Category A the diameter smaller then 43 millimeters.
Category B the diameter larger than 43 millimeters.
New formula :
Max 1000 points = 15(20-S) + 25(12-S′) + 2000(0.150-c) + 40(2.5-r)
Open to manufacturers based in Geneva up to 1935, no restriction afterwards.
S = sum of the 40 daily deviations
S′ = sum of the 6 average position deviations
c = compensation error
r = rate resuming
3 categories A, B & C. The category is defined by the diameter of the chronometer.
Category A = ships chronometer, diameter larger than 43 millimeters.
Category B = large chronometer, diameters between 43 & 38 mm.
Category C = pocket chronometer, diameter smaller than 38 millimeters.
2 formulas :
For the category A et B.
total des points = 15(20-S) + 25(12-S′) + 2000(0.150-c) + 40(2.5-r)
For the category C.
Max 1000 points = 10(30-S) + 20(15-S′) + 1500(0.200-c) + 25(4.0-r)
S = sum of the 40 walking deviations
S′ = sum of the 6 average position deviations
c = compensation error
r = resumption of rate
4 categories A, B, C et D. The category is defined by the diameter of the chronometer.
Category A = chronometer de bord, diameter greater than 43 millimeters.
Category B = Large pocket chronometer, diameter between 43 & 38 mm.
Category C = small pocket chronometer, diameter between 38 & 30 mm.
Category D = chronometer small calibre, diameter smaller than 30 millimeters.
3 formulas :
For the categories A et B :
Max 1000 points = 15(20-S) + 25(12-S′) + 2000(0.150-c) + 40(2.5-r)
For the category C :
Max 1000 points = 10(30-S) + 20(15-S′) + 1500(0.200-c) + 25(4.0-r)
For the categorie D :
Max 1000 points = 7.5(40-S) + 100/6(18-S′) + 1200(0.250-c) + 20(5.0-r)
Only open to manufacturers based in Geneva.
1953-68: Manufacturers not domiciled in Geneva are required to correspond with the Observatory through an agent established in Geneva.
S = average deviation of the daily rate
S′ = average deviation corresponding to a change of position
e = primary deviation of the compensation
F = secondary deviation of the compensation
r = resumption of rate
A new formula is applied to satisfy the International Chronometry Congress.
The fundamental differences relate to:
The order of the periods of the tests.
Different temperatures for the ovens.
How to judge the default of compensation.
4 Categories A,B,C et D. The category is defined by the diameter of the chronometer.
Category A = Large watch, diameter larger than 43mm.
Category B = Large watch, diameter 43 to 38mm.
Category C = small watch, diameter 38 to 30mm.
Category D = small calibre, diameter less than 30mm.
One formula:
Max 60 points = 60 – f [ 40 S + 10 S′ +100 e +2 F + 2r]
The parameter f is different for each category:
Category A : f = 1
Category B : f = 0.95
Category C : f = 0.75
Category D : f = 0.60
Watches which successfully passed the tests were issued a Bulletin de Marche, certifying the results obtained. Watches which scored more than 2/3 of the available points were published by the Societe des Arts until 1927, then by the Publications de l'Observatoire de Geneve until 1968.
Poincon de Geneve / The Seal of Geneva
In 1900, thirty entities submitted watches, mostly individuals and not workshops. Among them, 21 submitted fewer than ten watches, and two presented more than 25 pieces: Louis Bachmann submitted 31 watches, and Haas Neveux presented 198 watches.